This article is for Early Years Providers using Arc Pathway, please head to our parents page for information on how to use Arc Pathway as a parent.
Managers and Teachers can add parents to Arc Pathway. The process is slightly different for teacher users. If you’re a teacher go to this article. For more information on access levels in Arc Pathway go to this article
Video Walkthrough - Adding Children Individually
UPDATED - March 2023 - You can now add children in bulk via CSV. To find out how you do this go to this article.
Adding Children
- Go to the ‘children’ tab on the location/admin dashboard
- Click the 'add child' button.
- Enter the correct information for the child in the relevant boxes. Ensure you assign the child to a created class and that a teacher is assigned to the child so that they appear in their ‘My Children’ list.
- Click ‘save’ to add the child to the system.
- You’ll then land on the child’s profile page. This is where you can add parent users for this child, or you can add Parents at a later stage, i.e. once the child’s learning journal is populated.
Editing Children
- Go to the ‘children’ tab on the location/admin dashboard.
- Click the ‘edit’ symbol next to the child you want to edit.

- Edit the relevant information.
- Click ‘save’ to update the child’s details on the system.
Deleting / Archiving Children
- Go to the ‘children’ tab on the location/admin dashboard.
- Click the ‘archive’ symbol next to the child you want to edit.

- The child will now be archived.
- They can be restored by first clicking the ‘view archived children’ button at the bottom of the children list.
- And then clicking the ‘restore’ symbol next to the child you want to restore.
Please note - once a child is archived, parents will no longer have access to their learning journal.

- You can also permanently delete a child on this page by clicking the ‘delete’ symbol next to the child you want to delete. Please note that once a child’s profile is deleted, it will not be recoverable.

Next Steps
If you are setting up Arc Pathway for the first time, you should now add parents to the created children.
Please note that when adding a parent to the system, once you finish adding in the parent’s details and click ‘create’, the parent will receive a welcome email and link to set their password on their account. We would advise Early Years Settings to ensure the child’s learning journal is ready for the parent to view before setting up their account.