The messaging functionality has been introduced to keep you well-informed about important updates regarding your child and school.
You will receive notifications on the web platform, and if you have the Arc Pathway iOS or Android app installed, you'll also receive push notifications when you child's school send you a message
Step by Step - Web
- Click on 'messaging' in the menu to enter the messaging section.

- Here, you will find all the messages sent to you by the teachers. Click the 'plus' button to expand the message. You will see the detail of the message. If there is an attachment it will appear here

Step by Step - iOS and Android app
- You can also view messages messages from the Arc Pathway iOS and Android app. To do this tap the envelope icon in the top right hand corner of the app.

- You will then be able to view and read all the messages sent by your early years setting to you.

If you need any assistance with our messaging feature please contact us at