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Reporting - Age Related Analysis

How to generate Age Related Analysis reports

Update: Following valuable feedback from teachers regarding the sensitivity of our age-related analysis report, particularly concerning children who are very close to achieving their expected age, we have made some important adjustments to the parameters of this assessment.

Below Age Expected (light red/pink): At their most recent assessment, the child was assessed as being 6 months or more behind their actual age in months.

Working Towards (light orange/yellow): At their most recent assessment, the child was assessed as being 3 to 5 months behind their actual age in months.

In Line/At Expected (light green): At their most recent assessment, the child was assessed as being up to 2 months behind or on track with their actual age in months.

Above (light blue): At their most recent assessment, the child was assessed as being above their actual age in months.

These changes make it easier to see how closely a child’s development matches their expected age, helping you better understand and support their progress.

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Location and organisation admins can use the age related analysis reporting feature on Arc Pathway within a web browser. This feature allows you to see a summary of whether children are below, at, or above what is expected for their age under each Arc and under each individual strand of the Arcs.

Step by Step

  1. To access age related analysis, go to the menu at the top left corner of the main Arc page and click reporting.
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  1. Then click 'age-related analysis'
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  1. You can then filter by a multiple number of variables. Once you are ready, click search.
  1. You will then see the data for each individual child. The 'age reached' will reflect the data from the Arc profiles you have completed. If the 'age reached' is below the child's actual age, then the number will be highlighted red, if they are at their age, the number will be highlighted green, and, if they are above their age, then the number will be highlighted blue.
  1. You can also look at the individual Arc strands by going to the data required menu and changing the included data. For example, you can look only at the individual strands in the wellbeing arc by unticking the overarching Arcs and selecting all of the Wellbeing strands.
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  1. You can summarise this data and look at the number of children below, at, or above their actual age. To do this, click the 'summarised' data toggle.
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  1. To export this data, click the ‘toolbar’ button and then click download CSV or XLSX (for Excel).
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