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Adding, Editing and Deleting Teachers

How to add your staff to Arc Pathway

This article is for Early Years Providers using Arc Pathway, please head to our parents page for information on how to use Arc Pathway as a parent.
To add staff, you must be a ‘Organisation (Full Access) Manager’ or ‘Location Manager’ user. For more information on access levels in Arc Pathway go to this article.


Adding Managers

  1. Go to the ‘teacher/managers’ tab on the location/admin dashboard
  1. Click the 'add manager' button.
  1. Create a username for this manager. We recommend using a format of First name followed by surname with no spaces.
  1. Enter their email address, as well as their first name and surname in the relevant boxes. Then select whether you would like to assign this user to a class if you have created them.
  1. You then need to decide whether the user should have 'Full Access' or 'Location Access’. Full Access will give the user access to all locations and the data included in each location. Location Access means the user will have access to all the data at one specific location. You can find out more information about access levels at this article but they are summarised below.
    1. Full Access - an organisation manager user, who has access to all data across all locations.
    2. Location Access - a location manager user, which has access to all data across a specific location.
  1. Click ‘create’ to add the manager to the system.

Adding Teachers

  1. Go to the ‘teacher/managers’ tab on the location/admin dashboard.
  1. Click the 'add teacher' button.
  1. Create a username for this teacher. We recommend using a format of First name followed by surname with no spaces. For example, JohnSmith .
  1. Enter their email address, as well as their first name and surname in the relevant boxes.
  1. Select a manager for the teacher and whether this teacher requires approval. If the approval box is ticked, anything the teacher submits to a child's Learning Journal will be sent for approval to the selected manager before being saved in the child's learning journal.
  1. Then select whether you would like to assign this user to a class if you have created them.
  1. Click ‘create’ to add the teacher to the system.
  1. The teacher will then receive a welcome email with their username. This will come from They will need to click on the link in the email and set their password.
    1. Notion image

Editing User Details

  1. Go to the ‘teacher/managers’ tab on the location/admin dashboard.
  1. To edit the details for a user, click the ‘edit’ symbol.
    1. Notion image
  1. Edit the details of the user and click ‘save’.

Deleting Teachers/Managers

  1. To delete a teacher/manager, go to the teacher/manager tab
  1. Click the delete symbol next to the user you want to delete.
    1. Notion image
  1. You will then be asked for confirmation that you want to delete this teacher/manager. Teachers/managers, once deleted, are not recoverable. Click delete to finalise the removal.
    1. Notion image

Next Steps

If you are setting your early years setting up for the first time, you should now add some children.

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