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Access Levels

The different access levels on Arc Pathway

Understanding Access Levels in Arc Pathway

Managing user access effectively is crucial for ensuring that the right people have the appropriate permissions within your nursery or school setting. Arc Pathway offers different access levels, allowing you to control who can view and manage various aspects of the platform.

Overview of Access Levels

Arc Pathway is structured into different levels of access, each with its own set of permissions. These access levels are designed to reflect the hierarchy of users within an organisation:

  1. Organisation Admin – Full access to all settings, users, and data across multiple locations.
  1. Location Admin – Manages settings, users, and data within a specific location.
  1. Class Admin/Manager – Oversees a particular class, managing teachers and children assigned to that class.
  1. Teacher – Limited access to children and reports within their assigned class(es).
  1. Parent/Carer – Access to their child’s progress reports and updates but no ability to modify data.

Each role ensures that users can perform their necessary functions while maintaining appropriate security and privacy.

Key Permissions by Access Level

Organisation Admin
Location Admin
Manage users and roles
Access multiple locations
Edit class information
View child progress
✅ (if access granted by Early Years settting)
Manage cohort reports

How to Assign Access Levels to Staff

To grant the appropriate access level to a new user:

  1. Navigate to Teachers
  1. Click Add Teacher/Manager and enter their details.
  1. Select the appropriate Access Level based on their role.
  1. Assign the user to a Location or Class (if applicable).
  1. Click Save to finalise their access.

Admins can update a user’s access level at any time via the Edit User button section.


How do I change a user’s access level?

In the admin dashboard, go to the teacher tab find the user, and edit their role.

Can a teacher be assigned to multiple classes?

Yes, a teacher can be given access to multiple classes within a location.

What if a parent needs access to multiple children?

Parents/carers can be linked to multiple children under their profile.

By structuring access levels this way, Arc Pathway ensures that each user has the right level of control and responsibility within your organisation. If you need further assistance, please contact support.

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Next Steps


To find out more about creating teachers and managers click here.

To find out more about adding parents so they can view a child’s profile, click here.

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