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Adding children in bulk via CSV file

Adding multiple children at once

This article is for Early Years Providers using Arc Pathway, please head to our parents page for information on how to use Arc Pathway as a parent.
Admin and Location admins can add children to Arc Pathway. To find out more about user roles in Arc Pathway go to Access Levels

Video Walkthrough - Adding Children in Bulk via CSV

Adding Children

  1. Organisation (admin) and location manager users can now upload multiple children at once using the Arc Pathway bulk import function. To access the bulk import function, go to the 'children' tab on either the location or admin dashboards.
  1. Click 'import children'.
  1. Click - download CSV. This will download a CSV file that includes the headers of the data required to upload children to Arc Pathway.
  1. Next, open the csv file using Microsoft Excel or similar software. Then begin adding your data to the spreadsheet ensuring that you do not change or amend any of the headers in row 1. Required and non-required fields are shown in the header in row 1. The exact details of the required fields are as per below:
    1. Field Name
      Required Field?
      The child's first name
      The child's middle name
      The child's surname
      If the child is known by a different first name to their given name, enter it here.
      Enter the date of birth in the DDMMYY format
      Enter the gender (Male, Female or Other)
      Enter the date that the child started at your Early Years Setting
      Enter their spoken language: Monolingual, Multilingual or English as an Additional Language
      Enter whether the child is funded (e.g. Pupil Premium, 2-year-old funding)
      Enter the child's ethnicity: Asian or Asian British/Black, Black British, Caribbean or African/Mixed or Multiple Ethnic Groups/White/Other Ethnic Groups
      Enter whether the child has Special educational needs and disabilities [SEND] (Yes or No)
      Enter whether the child was born in Winter, Spring, Summer or Winter
      Enter the child's teacher name
      Optional but Recommended
      Enter the child's class name
  1. Once you have added all of the information, save the file by clicking save as. Ensure that the file is saved as a CSV. On Windows, you can do this by clicking file then 'save as', and then selecting CSV in the 'save as type' menu. On MacOS, you can save as CSV by clicking 'file' then 'save as' and then selecting CSV in the file type menu.
  1. Once saved, head back to the 'step 1' page on Arc Pathway within your web browser. Click 'select file' and navigate to the file you just saved as a csv and click open. Then click 'upload'
  1. Step 2 of the process will then open. This page is where you need to match the values you entered in the CSV file with the accepted values in the Arc Pathway system. For example, if you entered 'M' for 'Male', you would match the 'M' with the 'Male' option on the 'available options' list. If you want to ignore any data from the import, click the 'X' on the row that contains the data you want to ignore. For example, if you wanted to completely ignore the 'Spring' input for season born, then you would press the x next to this data point. The relevent children would still be imported but their season born would not be imported.
  1. Once you are happy with your selections, press next.
  1. Step 3 of the process will open. This is the final step where you will see a summary of all the data you are about to import. If you want to exclude any children completely from the import, ensure that you 'untick' the box next to their name.
  1. Once you are happy with your import, click Finish.
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